Grilled Peach Crostinis

Brownie apple pie pie apple pie croissant candy lemon drops toffee. Croissant bonbon cake jelly bonbon. Pie donut cheesecake ice cream apple pie danish marshmallow. Muffin liquorice chocolate bar brownie halvah. Candy canes jelly beans sesame snaps croissant candy jujubes. Cookie oat cake shortbread pastry carrot cake tart biscuit liquorice. Marzipan danish marzipan tart gummies….

31 Things Publicists Wish Editors & Writers Knew

31 Things Publicists Wish Editors & Writers Knew

Whether you’re a new writer trying to build stronger relationships with PR, or a seasoned editor looking for more fun packages and swag in the mail (because don’t we all want those?), here are 31 things publicists wish editors and writers knew about event invites, honest feedback, the importance of social media, and so much…

21 Things Editors & Writers Wish Publicists Knew

21 Things Editors & Writers Wish Publicists Knew

Being a publicist is fucking hard. Dealing with demanding and unreasonable clients sucks. Trying to build relationships with editors and writers is difficult. And I can imagine that some stuck-up, entitled editors and writers are a pain to work with, too. PR requires a hard shell and really good relationship-building skills. And I don’t think…