Why I’m Obsessed With The Skinfix Triple Lipid Peptide Cream
Beauty | Skincare

Why I’m Obsessed With The Skinfix Triple Lipid Peptide Cream

I was first introduced to the eczema-focused brand long before I ever tried the Skinfix Triple Lipid-Peptide Cream. It was 2016, I was a newly minted assistant beauty editor at Family Circle magazine, and was in the throes of learning as much as I could about the beauty industry.  I remember having a deskside meeting…

How To Stay Sober: 10 Things That Have Helped Me Ditch The Drink
Health | Sobriety

How To Stay Sober: 10 Things That Have Helped Me Ditch The Drink

Two weeks ago, I wrote about my struggle with alcohol, my rock bottom moment, and my five months of sobriety. While it’s been a bit of a rollercoaster, there have been many things that have helped me stay sober since I first hopped on this ride in April.  For me, staying sober has required three…

How Much Water Should You Drink When Taking Spironolactone
Beauty | Food | Health | Skincare

How Much Water Should You Drink When Taking Spironolactone

I’ve been dealing with hormonal acne for what feels like 300 years. After spending the last two years trying to cure it naturally, I finally decided to take a low dose of spironolactone, a potassium-sparing diuretic. I take one 25 mg pill every evening before I go to bed, which has worked wonders for my…

7 Vitamins That Help With Acne
Beauty | Health | Skincare

7 Vitamins That Help With Acne

Although I’ve recently resorted to spironolactone to help control my hormonal acne, there were multiple vitamins and mineral supplements I tried to help keep breakouts at bay and control oil production. Some were definitely helpful, while others were truly, truly disastrous (looking at you, vitamin B12). Unfortunately for me, taking specific vitamins (and adhering to…

My Sobriety Journey

My Sobriety Journey

I went to the hospital for a hangover 136 days ago. Yes, I know what you’re thinking: the hospital for a hangover? How much of a loser are you, Daley? Up until that point, I’d had about a million hangovers over the last ten years, but this one felt different.  The Hangover  On a Friday…


Best way to capture the best images on vacation

Lollipop dessert caramels lemon drops powder soufflé candy canes cake tootsie roll. Tiramisu cake macaroon danish shortbread lemon drops. Pie liquorice croissant tart cake danish. Oat cake pie wafer pastry dessert. Sesame snaps brownie bear claw halvah ice cream wafer cake. Muffin halvah gummi bears lollipop cotton candy pie. Toffee cheesecake marshmallow apple pie candy…